Principal Message
Francis Bacon has rightly said “Reading maketh  a full man, writing an exact man and conference a reading man”. It goes beyond doubt that reading has at all times and in all ages been a great source of knowledge. It widens the horizon of thinking and brings best out of someone.
This is why “Library”   is  considered to be the soul of any educational institute. In today’s world with so much more to know and to learn, digitalization of library has become a necessity. The Library blog of K. V. OFD is a stepping stone towards this direction. It will keep the readers updated with all new addition to the Vidyalaya Library and will highlight all the literary activities, thus encouraging students to read more & become  full men.
I congratulate Mr. Sunil Rawat, Librarian for taking this initiative to start this blog and I wish him success in his endeavour.

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